White Terry


68 лет

A.01. Согласование стратегий развития ИС и бизнеса
A.03. Бизнес-планирование ИТ
A.07. Мониторинг трендов в ИТ
A.09. Управление инновациями
D.04. Обеспечение закупок
D.08. Управление договорами
E.09. Стратегическое управление ИС

A.02. Управление уровнем ИТ услуг, A.04. Планирование развития продуктов/сервисов ИТ, A.05. Проектирование архитектуры ИС, A.08. Устойчивое развитие ИТ, D.09. Развитие персонала, D.10. Управление контентом и знаниями, E.02. Управление проектами и портфелем проектов
Опыт работы эксперта

Advising in ICT management and Enterprise Decision Maker. (He doesn’t talk technology, he talks business.) He was a CIO for ten years. He has been a consultant for 30 years. Specializations include ICT strategy, IT models, IT finance, business cases, IT assessment, IT procurement, and flexibility. Research is a challenge for technology and business leaders, IT finance, strategy, and operating models, and the impact of flexibility and disruption on YOUR practices in the organization. He is the author of a methodology for prioritizing IT projects in an organization based on strategy and economic impact. He is the author of the IT budgeting model. He is the author of four books, three on ICT management and one on executive management. One book in the Russian language: “What business really wants from IT.” He co-authored a book called: "Digital Transformation Of Business:  A book for top managers" with Marina Anshina, and Boris Slavin. He has visited Russia several times to run CIO workshops and speak at conferences. Personal page on the Internet: https://www.terrygrey.com/